Some frequently asked questions.


  • I believe when we peel back the layers of conditioning and connect back with our true essence, we feel free, empowered and liberated.

    In each unique and transformational session, I incorporate teachings on sacred sexuality and self-love using a variety of modalities such as embodiment and somatic practices, action-based rituals and neuroplasticity.

    I am devoted to creating a safe and nurturing space, free of judgement, where together we can move through whatever comes to the surface ready to be healed within you.

    My role as your sex coach is to guide and support you along your journey, each step of the way. I will gently push you up against your edge, hold you as you visit some of your darkest corners, and be there to celebrate you and your wins.

    This may sound uncomfortable, but it is when we work through the discomfort that we experience real transformation and create lasting shifts.

  • There will be no sexual or intimate touching during your coaching sessions. Ella will likely provide you with homeplay exercises that involve exploring touch with yourself and/or a partner.

  • There are many reasons someone would hire a sex coach, some of which include:

    • Connect deeply with your sexuality and sensuality

    • Become comfortable and confident in intimacy

    • Re-program limiting and shameful beliefs around your sexuality and body

    • Discover how to access a whole new depth of pleasure

    • Learn how to implement healthy boundaries both in sex and life

    • Build a deep and loving relationship with yourself

    • Learn more about your body and sexual response

    • Discover your true desires

    • Re-ignite sexual desire

    • And SO much more!

  • The process begins by applying to work with me, which you can do here. The purpose of completing an application is for me to get a feel for you and your current circumstances, and determine if we will be a good fit to work together.

    If it feels like a good fit, I will invite you to a free 20-minute connection call so we can both get to know each other a bit better and feel into each other’s energies. It's really important that we both feel a full body YES for going on this journey together.

    Should we both agree to work together, we will then discuss the best way to move-forward (ie; one-off session or coaching containers).

    Before I can officially block you into my calendar and begin working together, a deposit or full-payment will be required. This is followed by a detailed sexual history in-take form, which provides me with more detail about you and your current situation and your goals/intentions for our time together. It also enables me to provide you with the most optimal service, and for you to get the most out of the coaching.

    I will then schedule your call(s) in, and you will officially begin your journey to sexual liberation! If you’re doing a coaching package, you will have unlimited access to me via What’s App between calls.

    The whole time I will be supporting you in your process, checking in on your initial goals, and celebrating your wins with you.

    By the end of your journey, you will be a new, more sensual and connected version of you.

    • Certified Sex Coach

    • Certified Therapeutic Yoni Massage

    • Registered Nurse

    As well as my academic qualifications, I have also completed numerous workshops in the field of sexuality and self-development, which I also draw on in my work.

Yoni Massage

  • Historically, the intention of a yoni massage was to empower and heal women, releasing past negative events and emotions, which remains the intention for the way I practice.

    As people with a vulva, we can store stress and emotion in our yoni, including negative energy from past sexual encounters where we have not felt respected, adequately aroused, safe or consenting. These experiences physically manifest in our yonis as numbness, pain or tension, and yoni massage can help to release this armouring. It is also a beautiful and sacred way for you to re-discover the power of the womb space, and cultivate a loving, respectful and compassionate relationship with yourself and your yoni.

    You can read more about yoni massage and it’s benefits here.

  • There are many reasons people with a vulva may benefit from receiving a yoni massage, spanning over aspects of our physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and sexual selves. You can read a detailed explanation of the many benefits here.

  • The intention of my practice is purely therapeutic, and is not focused on being a sexual experience. As I moves through the massage I will be checking in with you for areas of pain, numbness, pressure or pleasure, with the main areas of focus being pain and numbness. Any areas of pleasure will be honoured, celebrated and mapped out for you, and we move on.

    You can read more about the sacred and healing energy of yoni massage here.

  • Even with some/all of your reproductive organs removed, the energy of these parts remains. I have given yoni massages to women who have had partial and full hysterectomies and each of these women still had a deeply healing and connective experience.

  • Yoni massage is a deeply intimate and vulnerable body of work, and it is crucial when looking for a practitioner to know their credentials, and ideally read testimonials of past clients. I completed my certified yoni massage trainings with Kiki Maree, and am registered with the International Institute for Complementary Therapies (IICT).

  • I have a warm, grounded and nurturing energy that provides a safe and supportive space to receive a yoni massage. Clients have regularly commented on how safe and held they felt in my presence, and how much they appreciated having each step of the process explained at the beginning so they knew what to expect.

  • Every session takes its own journey, and is tailored to suit you and your needs. Whatever your journey, you will be held, witnessed and supported in a safe and loving space. You can read a detailed step-by-step process here.

  • It is TOTALLY natural to feel nervous about yoni massage – it is deeply intimate, personal and vulnerable work, however my grounded, warm and nurturing nature will instantly help you feel safe and comfortable. You will also be guided through a mediation at the beginning of the session, which will help to settle your nerves even more, as well as being gently prompted by me throughout your massage to take deep breaths, helping you to stay relaxed. If you still experience nerves and/or awkwardness during your session, know that this is perfectly fine and normal, and you will experience zero judgement in this space.